I want to experience the Miracle of Mockups with 15 FREE stock images from The Custom-ish Library!

$15 of Props to Start Your Studio (that you can buy at the Dollar Store..🤫 )

product image props Apr 19, 2021

The images of your resources and products are crucial to the success of your business.  You know that oftentimes it is the image of a product and not necessarily the product itself that draws you in and piques your interest.  Previously, I shared  3 Tips to Take Great Photos That Will Sell More Products and I encourage you to take a look at that post for a few foundational thoughts on how you can improve your images and photography.

 This week I wanted to expand on a couple of the points from that post and ENCOURAGE YOU that you can drastically improve your product images with $15 of props that are available at your neighborhood Dollar Store.  The Dollar Store is a treasure trove for great props and tools that I use for my private clients and monthly membership and here are a few MUST HAVES for your studio as you begin or want to improve. AND you don’t have to break the bank!!!

#1 WHITE FOAM POSTER BOARD (4 pieces x $1 = $4)

Foam poster board is a necessity for a studio because it is a life saver when it comes to reflecting light and defeating the pesky shadows that can haunt your image. I use 4 of these in my setup to help bounce light (it just takes a little practice) and you will be amazed at how just using these whether you shoot in artificial or natural light will make a big difference.  If you watch the video of my shopping trip you’ll see that these were sold out at my store.  Maybe the secret’s out :)

#2 THIN WHITE POSTER BOARD (2 pieces x $0.50 =$1)

The thin white style of poster board is what I use as a background to shoot my images.  Put a piece of this down wherever you shoot your resource images and it instantly transforms your shoot up a level and gives it a clean, crisp, quality feel.  I also sometimes use a sheet to reflect light at those times of day or with those setups that prove challenging to reflect light with the foam board since these are bendable.

#3 COLORED CONSTRUCTION PAPER (1 pack x $1 = $1)

Astrobright cardstock is my favorite for creating colorful and fun depth in the images I shoot.  BUT, they do not have it at the Dollar Store.  So, I’ve found that a pack of construction paper can work well too as a way to add depth and color to your resource.  Many resources are black and white and adding just a few pieces of construction paper fanned behind it can help it jump from the page.

#4 NOTEBOOKS (3 color spiral bound and 1 composition: 4 notebooks x $1 =$4)

A key aspect of gaining interest in your resource is to visually tell a story with your image and create the “scene of use” that will help your customer see a background that could reflect what their desk or table will look like when they are engaged with your resource.  I’ve found that notebooks are a key to bring about variety and the color and spiral bindings add further depth to your resource image.  I also love traditional composition notebooks and use them in so many of my shoots and alongside their spiral bound counterpart :)

#5 PENS, PENCILS, CRAYONS (5 x $1 =$5)

Finally, to add that element of “this resource is being used” spendthe remaining $5 in the budget to purchase pens, pencils, and crayons.  Of course be specific to the writing utensil your audience would be using as they work on your product, but an assortment of colored pencils, crayons, pens, and some neons will add variety and interest.


It’s really that simple and that’s all it takes to get started and improve your setup and make your images more engaging and fun.  This may be one of the best $15 investments you’ll make to boost your product image!

Cheering you on,



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