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The Value of...A Prop In Your Image

product image props Mar 14, 2021


What’s One Prop That You Already Own That Will Help Your Resources Sell?

(Hint: You’re using it right now!)

In the last post, I shared 3 tips to take images that sell more of your resources.  This week here’s an added idea based on Tip #2: Use Props to Tell a Story.  Remember that one way you can draw attention to YOUR resource, win that “click”, and differentiate it from the others in the marketplace is to use it in a photo that creates the scene of a student working on it.  There is something about a beautiful visual of a setting where your resource is in action that garners curiosity in the resource itself.

I regularly shop for specific props for the images I take for my private clients and the Styled Stock Market membership (the Dollar Store is a GREAT place to find some treasures for your photos-stay tuned for more posts about that!) and my studio is packed with these little gems. But, I’ve found that one prop that I already own has proven to be fantastic and a popular request from my clients and it is....

An iPad, phone, or computer!

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Yep! Seems a little obvious, right?!

It’s no secret that technology and our devices are becoming more entrenched in our daily lives.  The pandemic and the current hybrid or remote learning environment has certainly increased the use of devices by teachers and students. I recently read that the average American spends more than 10 hours a day with a screen in front of them

This post isn’t to debate the pros and cons of screen time, but to point out that if you are looking to “create a scene” in the images of your resources that really “tells the story”, then more than likely, some sort of  technology needs to be a part of those images. Being able to envision ourselves and our space with the product we are eyeing is a huge part of the buying process (like actually being able to visualize that table and chairs in our dining room), so if we can help our audience do that, it will make it easier for them to make the decision and the purchase! It’s all about making the customer experience easy and engaging!

Here are 3 quick ways for you to use devices in your images to help you tell your story and increase engagement with your audience: 

  1. Digital Resources--This one may seem like a no-brainer, but if you feel like you should show these products on a computer screen or tablet, you’re right! Your client wants to be able to see whether this is going to be a resource that will keep their students engaged in the content. *Quick Pro Tip: Avoid the annoying glare from your lights on your resource, by creating a mockup for yourself  and simply overlaying an image of your product on the screen using an app like Canva or Powerpoint. And BONUS! You can use the mockup you’ve created for more of your products!
  2. Video Previews--This is probably one of my favorites, and if all the stats out there are accurate about video engagement, then a great way for you grab some serious attention! Add a quick video highlighting the best parts of your resource as an overlay on the screen.
  3. Non-Digital, Printables--Even for your products that will be printed, tell the story of your resource or your ideal client be creating the feel of a “workspace”. Style your shot with a laptop, keyboard, or tablet off to the side or in the corner along with a few other coordinating props. For example, this fun resource by EB Academics is all about Email Etiquette. It’s a printable resource, but because it’s all about email I styled the shot to have a desktop feel including a small part of a laptop, notebooks, pens, etc. The resource is still the focus, but the whole shot tells the story!


Have you experimented with using tech in your images? Share in the comments below. And for those of you that maybe haven't yet, for your next batch of resource images, change it up, include a device and I’m certain you’ll find an increase in engagement, activity, and sales!  Let me know how it goes!

Cheering you on!


Pssst...Wanna give it a try without the work? I always include a few in each collection of The Styled Stock Market Monthly Membership and in my TpT store. Take a peek! 


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